Sherman, Lawrence
17 items found
Police Target Violent Lawbreakers in High Crime Areas
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, August 10, 1994
Mayor Leads Unified Effort to Crack Down on Juvenile Gun Violence
Mayor Goldsmith to Dollyne Pettingill, May 5, 1994
Lawrence Sherman to Mayor Goldsmith, April 29, 1994
National Gun Study Shows Indianapolis War on Gun Efforts Succeeding
Lawrence Sherman, Tim Mosby, Ameen Najjar, and Frederick Roetter to Mayor Goldsmith and Jeff Modisett, June 21, 1994
Mayor Appoints Criminologist to Target Gun, Gangs Policy
Larry Sherman Talking Points
National Gun Study Shows Indianapolis War on Gun Efforts Succeeding
Domestic Violence
Repeat Offenders
Media Advisory, Aug. 10, 1994
National Gun Study Shows Indianapolis War on Gun Efforts Succeeding
Mayor Goldsmith Talking Points, Gun Crime
Fact and Fiction in Gun Interdiction
Neighborhood Safety