Patterson, Jack
27 items found
West Coast Trip
Charles G. Castor to L. Keith Bulen, October 18, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Dougherty, November 4, 1970
Richard G. Lugar to Jack Patterson, June 20, 1972
Jack F. Patterson to Richard G. Lugar, June 14, 1972
Robert J. Smith to Fred T. Hill, August 27, 1969
Summary of the Report by the Task Force on Metropolitan Transportation
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Contacts List
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee for a National Trade Policy Board of Directors Meeting, February 26, 1973
Material regarding GIPC Board of Directors meeting, May 1, 1973
Report of the Metropolitan Task Force, Volume II
John R. Schutt to Mr. Jack Patterson, October 21, 1969
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hopsital Progress Report
Mayor Lugar to Department Heads and City Officials, March 18, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Jack Patterson and Earl F. Miles, July 21, 1969
James T. Morris to Richard Demars, November 4, 1970
Format for Westview Meeting
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, June 4, 1973
City of Indianapolis 1974 Budget Preparation Instructions
Lucille E. Camp to Harold E. Bean, Jr., Julyy 22, 1969