Quie, Albert H.
18 items found
To Invitees of the Naitonal Prayer Breakfast from B. Everett Jordan, January 21, 1970
Republican Platform, 1968
Tentative List of Members of the Committee on Resolutions at the Republican National Convention
Itinerary of New York and Washington Trip w/ Notes
Carol M. Khosrovi to Mayor Lugar, December 10, 1969, with Filing Note
Statement by Richard J. Daley December 1969
Economic Opportunity Report
Leonard Axelrod to Albert Quie, March 16, 1979
1973 ACU Interim Ratings-House
Harvey Oostdyk to Mayor Lugar
Statement of Roy Innis to the Subcommittee on Equal Opportunity in an Urban Society of the Resolutions Committee
United States Catholic Conference Department of Education to The Republican National Convention Committee on Resolutions
Itinerary of New York and Washington Trip
Carol M. Khosrovi to Mayor Lugar, December 10, 1969
Sam Massell to Carl D. Perkins on Pending OEO Legislation, December 11, 1969
Summary of Substitute for OEO Extension Bill
National League of Cities Resolution Draft
Mayor Hudnut to Albert H. Quie, February 2, 1982