McCarthy, Eugene
19 items found
Evolution of Public Attitudes Toward The Mass Media During an Election Year
The Gallup Opinion Index 1976 Campaign Report No. 125
Draft of Keynote Address to the 1968 Indiana Republican Convention
Keynote Address to the 1968 Indiana Republican Convention
The National Program
"Impasse in Vietnam"
Senator Eugene McCarthy
The Limits of Power: America's Role in the World
Charles Bahne, Jr. to Mayor Lugar, August 4, 1968
National Survey Pole: Voter Preferences in late July 1968
Jim Applebaur to Mayor Lugar, August 4, 1968
Myrtle Ballard (Mrs. Alvin Joseph) Kelley to Mayor Lugar, February 1, 1970
A Note Concerning Russell Kirk
Scheduling Request_Jim Brainard
"A Message from New Hampshire"
Monthly Recap for CAA Boards of Directors Vol 3, No 11
John C. Christ to Voter, April 30, 1968
Housing and Urban Affairs Daily, Vol XXV, No 51
Victory '68