Hillenbrand, Bernie
16 items found
Bernie Hillenbrand to Mayor Lugar
Robert M. Belmonte to "Dick", November 13, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Bernie Hillenbrand, May 27, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Bernie Hillenbrand, November 3, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Harvey C. Allison, May 27, 1970
NTDS Board Meeting Minutes and Guidelines
Memorandum from Dan Lynch Regarding Membership Report
January 25, 1971 Revenue Sharing Conference Itinerary
January 25, 1971 Revenue Sharing Conference Itinerary, Hilton Hotel_With Corrections
Memorandum from Stanley Smoot Regarding Future Board Meeting
O. H. Sharpless to Jerry Frockt, April 28, 1975
Dean G. Hunstman to Jerry Frockt, April 23, 1975
County Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 3
Association Intergovernmental center
Memorandum from Patrick Healy, December 19, 1969
From Bernie Hillenbrand and Graham W. Watt, April 3, 1978