Hine, Maynard K.
90 items found
IUPUI 20th Anniversary Celebration, January 28, 1989, Img. 1, with Mayor Hudnut, Herman B. Wells, Glenn Irwin, Jr., and Maynard K. Hine
Executive Committee of the Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Marion County, Inc.: Minutes, April 2, 1969
Dr. Maynard K. Hine to Mayor Lugar
Richard K. Curtis to Mayor Lugar, January 27, 1975
Malcom E. Boone to Richard B. Wetzel, April 3, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Dr. Byron L. Steger, April 1, 1970
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Contacts List
Mayor Lugar to Maynard K. Hine, April 19, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Maynard K. Hine, January 8, 1973
James P. White to Mayor Lugar, March 1, 1972
Articles of Incorporation of Indianapolis Center for Advanced Reseach (ICFAR)
Minutes, Board of Directors of ICFAR, July 2, 1975
Schedule for June 9, 1970
Green Sheet, IUPUI, Vol. 1 - No. 48
Ralph E. McDonald to Mayor Lugar, April 6, 1973
Excerpts From Addresses Delivered at the Information Dinner Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research, November 30, 1970
Minutes of the Annual Joint Meeting of the Members and Board of Directors of Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research, October 16, 1973
Michael A. Carroll to Dr. Maynard K. Hine, March 14, 1975
Minutes of the Bimonthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research, May 1, 1974
Candidates for Position of Chancellor, Indiana University in Indianapolis