DeFabis, Mike
62 items found
Indiana Delegation Provisional Seating Chart
1972 GOP Convention Indiana Delegates and Alternative Delegates
L. Keith Bulen, et al to Harrison Eiteljorg, August, 1972
Warren R. Spangle to IJC Planning Committee, October 18, 1983
August 11, 1983 VIP Goodies and Social Committees
Proclamation "Mike Defabis Day," December 7, 1999
Mark DeFabis to Mitzi Hurst, November 30, 1999
Proclamation, Mike DeFabis Day, June 4, 1992
An Analysis of The Indianapolis Area: As a Location for the Design and Production of Medical and Surgical Equipment
Mark Bell to Mayor Lugar, November 28, 1973, Status Report of Marion County Legislation
Agenda for First Training of Pledge Card Followup
Memorandum from Mitchell Daniels Regarding Status of Pledge Card Fund Drive
Mayor Lugar to Ronald W. Bates, December 4, 1974
John Bailey Jr. to Mayor Lugar, May 16, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Larry O. Oglesby, November 22, 1974
Eight Candidates of Republican of the Year (copy 1)
Eight Candidates of Republican of the Year (copy 2)
L. Keith Bulen to All Precinct Committeemen and Vice-Committeemen in Pike Township, February 22, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Kenneth B. Hale and Donald E. Lamb, December 26, 1974
Scheduling Request, Prosser/Talisman wedding