Condre, Luther R.
13 items found
Luther R. Condre to Mayor Goldsmith, April 8, 1994
Luther R. Condre_Resume Cover Sheet
L. Keith Bulen to all 29th Ward Precinct Committeemen and others, July 26, 1971
Jack F. Patterson to L. Keith Bulen, July 27, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Luther R. Condre, August 3, 1971
Luther R. Condre_Resume
Richard G. Lugar to Luther R. Condre, July 28, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Ray C. Crowe, March 29, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Raymond E. Sanders, March 29, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Morris H. Mills, March 29, 1972
Irvin E. Brocklehurst to John W. Sweezy, June 28, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Donald T. Nelson, March 29, 1972
"Luther R. Condre Day"