Conn, Harriette Bailey
21 items found
Minorities Program
Don L. Robinson to Harriette B. Conn, September 20, 1968
Task Force on Housing and Relocation, Minutes of Meeting, December 17, 1969
Members of the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee's Task Force on Employment
Members of the Indianaplois Housing and Relocation Task Force, April 5, 1968
Members of the Task Force on Flanner House
"A Former Lugar Supporter and Lifetime Republican Voter" to Mayor Lugar, Harold H. Kohlmeyer, and Indianapolis Star and News, January 17, 1969
Harold H. Kohlmeyer to Mayor Lugar, January 23, 1969
Harriette Bailey Conn, Thomas A. Hart, and William L. Lieber to Members, Task Force on Relocation of Flanner House, May 23, 1968
Thomas C. Hasbrook to John M. Mutz, Aug. 6, 1969
Harriette Bailey to Mayor Lugar, April 18, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Harriette Bailey Conn, April 22, 1968
Task Force On Flanner House, William Lieber
General Ordinance 10, 1968
General Ordinance 11, 1968
General Ordinance 12, 1968
General Ordinance 13, 1968
General Ordinance 9, 1968
Mayor Hudnut to Harriette Bailey Conn, March 9, 1978
Harriette Bailey Conn to Mayor Hudnut, February 20, 1978