Urban Affairs Council
26 items found
Extension of Views of Jack D. Maltester and Frank Curran
Frank Curran and Jack D. Maltester to Mayors and Managers of Direct Member Cities and others, March 5, 1970
John R. Price to Mayor Lugar, February 16, 1970
John R. Price to Mayor Lugar, February 16, 1970
L. Keith Bulen to Marion County Republicans
Mayor Lugar to John R. Price, February 26, 1970
John Gunther and Patrick Healy to Pete Dominici, Mayor Lugar, and others, January 30, 1970
Race and Violence in Washington State
NBL Link
Mayor Lugar to Richard M. Nixon, February 16, 1970
Mayor Hudnut to Mitch V. Harper, July 6, 1983
Mitch V. Harper to Mayor Hudnut, June 23, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Carl D. Pursell, July 16, 1991
Carl D. Pursell to Mayor Hudnut, July 10, 1991
Charles E.M. Kolb to Carl D. Pursell, June 26, 1991
Carl D. Pursell to Mayor Hudnut, May 31, 1991
Frederick D. McClure to Carl D. Pursell, May 16, 1991
Carl D. Pursell to Mayor Hudnut, May 9, 1991
Carl D. Pursell to George H.W. Bush, May 9, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to Carl D. Pursell, April 25, 1991