Religious Organizations
341 items found
Mayor Goldsmith to Angelique Walker-Smith, November 7, 1997
The Church Federation's 85th Anniversary Celebration
Join Our 85th Anniversary Rededication Events
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, August 1, 1983
Donna Olsen to Mary Ann Pahud, July 6, 1983
Diamond Jubilee Celebration Program
Carol C. Niss to Mayor Hudnut, February 11, 1983
Back-Up Info. Second Christian Church
Proclamation - Luther's 500th Fest Day
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, July 30, 1983
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, August 26-28, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lanphier III, July 25, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to John W. Fisher, April 8, 1983
Back-Up Info for Morning Worship at St. John AME Church
Pat Fausler to Mayor Hudnut, June 3, 1983
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, October 23, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Wilma Bradford, June 9, 1983
Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, October 16
Back-Up - Mt. Vernon Baptist Church Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, October 15-16, 1983