School Administrators
20 items found
Fred Jones to Mayor Hudnut, November 17, 1976
Darby Perry to Thomas Plunkett, September 23, 1966
William H. Hudnut, III to Darrow Board of Trustees, August 8, 1969
William H. Hudnut, III to Sirs, November 20, 1969
William H. Hudnut, III to William C. Duncan, November 20, 1969
William H. Hudnut, III to William C. Duncan III, October 15, 1969
Administrative Salary Survey 1971-1972
Headmaster's Interim Report to the Trustees - October 10, 1970
John W. Talbot to William H. Hudnut, III, January 27, 1970
Mayor Hudnut to Thelma Eibe, December 9, 1976
Thelma Eibe to Mayor Hudnut
Indianapolis Association of Administrators, Supervisors, and Consultants, Inc. Notecards
Indianapolis Association of Administrators, Supervisors, and Consultants, Inc.
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Jones, November 18, 1976
David S. Thompson to William H. Hudnut, III, July 30, 1969
Thomas F. Plunkett to Darby Perry, October 3, 1966
William H. Hudnut, III to Thomas F. Plunkett, August 8, 1969
Cary Potter to The Head of the School
David S. Thompson to William H. Hudnut, III, June 23, 1971
John F. Joline III to William H. Hudnut, III, January 13, 1970