16 items found
Minutes of Meeting Between City Represenatives and MSI Representatives
J. H. Cox to Glynn Tabor, July 27, 1987
Bert Pettygrove to Gene Valanzano, November 8, 1989 (Marked)
Clinton A. Venable to Mayor Hudnut, January 28, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Mrs. William W. DeWitte, August 13, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to David Carley, January 20, 1986
Sign Details- Keystone Area
Mayor Hudnut Unveils New "Welcome to City" Signs
Daniel A. Ladendorf to Glynn Tabor, July 15, 1987
Bert Pettygrove to Gene Valanzano, November 8, 1989 (Clean)
Mayor Hudnut to John Isenbarger, January 15, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to John Isenbarger, January 15, 1988_With Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation Business Card
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Madorin, August 13, 1986
Trina A. DeWitte to Mayor Hudnut, July 22, 1986
National League of Cities Congress of Cities, November 26-30, 1972, Decorations - Signs and Visual Requirements
Signage Meeting, August 7, 1984