1,619 items found
Ombudsmen Notes
Beth Grigsby to Nick Weber, August 5, 1999
Funding for Brownfield Sites in Indianapolis
Case Study #8: Reducing Bureaucracy
Indianapolis Sewers Rehabilitation, June 5, 1995
Coffin Golf Course, June 29, 1995
City Invests $65 Million to Rehabilitate Sanitary Sewers, June 6, 1995
Media Advisory Regarding Brownfield Sites, July 15, 1996
Mayor Announces Plan to Encourage Redevelopment of Brownfields
Westside Redevelopment Plan Overview
Agenda, UNWA Revitalization Initiative
UNWA Press Conference Invitation List
Key Talking Points, UNWA
Community Redevelopment Mission, Citizens Gas
Circle Centre Mall, November 4, 1992
Goldsmith Announces New Housing in Ransom Place, March 28, 1995
Agenda Ransom Place Press Conference
Renovation of Douglass Kicks-Off 1995 Golf Season, April 18, 1995
City Opens Dynamic New Riverside Golf Academy
Mainscape Breaks Ground On Its New Home