49 items found
Souvenir Facsimile of the Gettysburg Address in the Handwriting of Abraham Lincoln
Inauguration Invitation
A.L.F To Bulen, undated
45 Record of "I'm So Pacer Proud"
Proclamation, Indianapolis Time Capsule Day, Apr. 17, 1995
Jeremy Nye to Mayor Goldsmith, April 20, 1992
Megan Wilburn to Mayor Goldsmith, April 28, 1972
Stephen Goldsmith Biography
Stephen Goldsmith to Paula Opheim, March 31, 1992
Paula Opheim to Stephen Goldsmith, March 13, 1992
From Margaret Ream, April 14, 1992
Theresa Smith to Ann Hicks, May 28, 1992
Karen Scott to Office of the Mayor, August 21, 1992
Stephen Goldsmith to Nick Gladden, November 30, 1992
Ann Hicks to Dave Paschall, Dollyne Pettingill, and Ginger Hall, July 1, 1992
The Leprechauns for Bowen
Helen C. Nerska to Mayor Lugar, December 30, 1968
Mayor Lugar to Helen C. Nerska, January 13, 1969
Dietz Collection of Memorabilia (Color), Img. 1
Dietz Collection of Memorabilia (Color), Img. 2