Hudnut Artifacts 259
13 items found
Pennant from Deutsche Sporthochschule, Köln
Cloth from Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael / Jewish National Fund
Ceramic Plate from Bursa, Turkey
Trophy from Youthlinks Indiana, June 28, 1993
Award to Mayor Hudnut from Little League Baseball, Inc., Central Region Headquarters, 1993
Award from The Athletics Congress, USA
Plaque for Mayor Hudnut from Salvation Army Advisory Board
Key Ring and Button from Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem
Award from 1986 All-Pro City Management Team to Mayor Hudnut, October 7, 1986
Jim Beam Flask Commemorating Indianapolis Sesquicentennial
Ceramic Flask Commemorating 75th Anniversary of Sigma Nu Fraternity, 1977
Ink Pen Stand from Niagara Falls, Canada, CIrca 1980
Hoosier Heritage Award to Mayor Hudnut from Heritage Place Older Adult Services, 1996