25 items found
Are You Being Taken for Granted?
Fremont Power, July 27, 1979, Mayor's Briefing
Note on Spending for Inner City Housing and Commercial Development for 1979
Population: Metropolitan Area, City of Indianapolis and Marion County, and Population Trends Since 1970
Estimates and Projections of the Population, Indianapolis Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
Population Movement Away from Established Central Cities
Marion County Population
Linda L. Spencer to Robert Hancock, June 28, 1979
Public Works Allegations Refuted
From Richard Blankenbaker, June 22, 1979
William G. Schneider Press Release
Tom Henry to Mayor Hudnut and Dave Frick, January 8, 1979
Mayoral Campaign Issues, 1979
Citizens for Mayor Bill Hudnut Committee, Game Plan, Draft No. 1
Citizens for Mayor Bill Hudnut Committee, Progress Report for March 1979
Solicitations: Sample Letter, Good Guy List, and Prime List
From Mayor Hudnut, March 15, 1979_Sample Letter for Good Guys and Prime List
Citizens for Mayor Bill Hudnut, Thank You Letters and Printed Receipts
From Mayor Hudnut, March 2, 1979_Sample Thank You for $100 and Larger Contributions
From Mayor Hudnut, March 2, 1979_Sample Thank You for Less than $100 Contributions