Resource Recovery II
49 items found
City of Indianapolis Resource Recovery Facility Proposal
ICFAR Continues Success in Incinerator Technology Transfer; Multiple Articles
Resource Recovery News
Mayor Hudnut to Bill Carter, June 26, 1985
Lists of Businesses and Organizations
Resource Recovery Presentation
Mayor Hudnut to City-County Councillors, June 21, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Dr. Woodrow Myers Jr., June 4, 1985
Dr. Woodrow Myers to Mayor Hudnut, June 18, 1985
Complaint, Notice of Opportunity For Hearing, and Proposed Final Order
State Board of Health Responds to Mayor's Letter
Dr. Woodrow Myers to Mayor Hudnut, June 18, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Dr. Woodrow Myers, June 4, 1985
Complaint, Notice of Opportunity For Hearing, and Proposed Final Order
Solid Waste Budget Issues
Public Works Resource Recovery Presentations
Public Works Planned Resource Recovery Presentations
To Be Scheduled
Solid Waste Budget Issues- Heavy Trash
Mayor Hudnut to Phillip Duke and William Carter, June 7, 1985