IACT Executive Committee Mtg. August 21, 1990
17 items found
Radisson Hotel Muncie
Official Registration Acknowledgment 1990 NLC Congress of Cities and Exposition
Mike Quinn and Ann Garoffolo to Members, 1990 Nominating Committee, June 18, 1990
Federal Update: IACT Executive Committee of June 26, 1990
Indiana Association of Cities and Towns: Preliminary Recommendations - Indiana Property Tax System Study
Dave McGhee to the Members of the Executive Committee, June 25, 1990
IACT Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Proposed Budget Policy 1990-1991: State Board of Tax Commissioners
Nominating Committee - Nominee Pool as of June 18, 1990
Tentative Schedule of the Executive Committee for June 25-26, 1990
Strategic Planning Task Force: Program to Refine the Quality of IACT Services & Program
The Following Town Officials Expressed Interest in Serving on an IACT Committee:
Mike Quinn to the Members and the Executive Committee, June 12, 1990
Summary of the Nominating Committee on May 17, 1990
Focus 1990 Project: Priority Issues
IACT Tentative Agenda of the Executive Committee on June 26, 1990
IACT 1990 Membership Report as of June 25, 1990