17 items found
From Mayor Lugar, June 28, 1973
From Robert E. Henderson and David S. Brandy, January 15, 1973
John A. Cook to John Sweezy, December 7, 1972
John Wood to Mayor Lugar, May 1, 1972
Memorandum: Substance of Agreements Resulting from Conference of March 15, 1973
Michael A. Carroll to Mayor Lugar, June 27, 1973
Mini Position Papers
MiniGov -- The People Lose Again
MiniGov Communities Plan, Alternate No. 1
MiniGov Preliminary Communities Plan
MKNA Studies MiniGov
Proposed House Amendments to S.B. 362
Propsed Communities Plan, December 6, 1972
Thomas C. Hasbrook to John Wood, April 25, 1972
Tokyo Municipal News
Unigov+ Minigov=Multigov
Ward and Precinct Map, December 6, 1972