Progress Committee Board
44 items found
Agenda for the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Board of Directors Meeting, May 15, 1968
Claude M. Spilman Jr. to John Walls, February 10, 1968
Committee for Employment Opportunity VAC Statistical Report, First Quarter 1968
Committees Assigned to Mayor's Employment Task Force
Draft of Letter from Mayor Lugar to Multiple Individuals
Friendship House Brochure
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee, Operating Statement, May 1968
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee, Report to Members and Contributors, 1967
Handwritten Notes from December 1967 Meeting of the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee (GIPC) Executive Committee
Henry Ford II and J. Paul Austin to Mayor Lugar, March 4,1968
Henry Ford II, "Equal Opportunity--The Most Urgent Task," November 17, 1967
J. H. Ebbeler to Mayor Lugar, February 6, 1968
Jack Killen to Mayor Lugar, April 12, 1968
John W. Walls to Homer P. Huesing, May 3, 1968
Juan C. Solomon to Walter H. Pagenkopf, March 13, 1968
Juan Solomon to Roger T. Flaherty, April 8, 1968
L. Lawrence Carroll to Mayor Lugar, April 16, 1968
Letter from Juan C. Solomon on the Mayor's Task Force on Employment
Letter from R. H. Long, January 18, 1968
Lilly News, March 9, 1968